Thursday, December 3, 2009

How high will Dennis Dixon get drafted in the NFL Draft?

I mean granted that he tore his ACL, i don't see a reason why he wouldn't get picked after the first round.

How high will Dennis Dixon get drafted in the NFL Draft?nba gear

Dixon does not have the skills of Michael Vick and he was a losey QB, Dixon has no future in the NFL.

How high will Dennis Dixon get drafted in the NFL Draft?nba finals 2007 ,nba teams

I think he will be drafted later in the first round by maybe the Packers looking for someone to play behind rodgers when favre leaves.
like first or second round
You should have ended the sentence with a question mark after the word "get".
i thought he was a Jr*********
He will be picked in the early second round because his ACL makes him to much of a risk to use a top 16 pick on and as a rule, the upper half of the league already has a good quarterback and doesn't need to draft a new one.
3rd round. i hate to say it but hes not that great.
He's not on the top 5 on Mel Kiper's top quarterback list.
6'th round flop.
Somewhere between 5th round and free agent. If Chris Leak got a shot, anything that even looks like a QB will.
the lions should take him in the 1st round but they are to dumb to see real talent
Probably third round, maybe sooner if he impresses at the NFL compound. Whoever gets him will be getting a bargain. I had him surprising the country and getting the Heisman until he went down.
Tearing your ACL is a major reason for not getting picked in the first or second round. Heck, he didn't even get hit when he hurt it. He tore it just running the ball. Picture ol chicken legs getting sacked by an All Pro NFL linebacker - Dead Meat. After the draft is over, I believe they have a free agent status - that's where I predict he will get picked up.

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