Thursday, December 3, 2009

What is the longest completed pass in NFL history? Not the pass + the following run. Just the pass?

The NFL web site lists many 99-yard pass plays but this is for the total yards gained on the play, not the pass alone. Also I am wondering if NFL quarterbacks can stand in one end zone and throw the ball between the uprights at the other end. Can they throw the ball that far?

What is the longest completed pass in NFL history? Not the pass + the following run. Just the pass?nba 08

Im pretty sure Don Meredith threw an 83 yard pass to Bob Hayes. 95 yards with the yards after catch.

What is the longest completed pass in NFL history? Not the pass + the following run. Just the pass?nba finals ,nba teams

Folk law. Where is the 2nd longest listed? It's BS... Report It

Most of them cant throw that far. But the longest pass without the run after was 99 yards.
Passing stats are catch and run. So, unless you have film and can mark the yards, good luck, this stat will be unknown.
I don't believe that stat is kept separately.
how would we know? the nfl doesnt record that
Mots can't throw it past 65 yards, so I'd say around there...Just watch highlights from all of Randy Moss's games and find the longest one
terry bradshaw has had several HUGE completed passes

amazing arm on that man

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