Thursday, December 3, 2009

What does a Dime Back mean at NFL Football?

I would like to bet on NFL this season, so firstable I would like to knoe some terms.

What does a Dime Back mean at NFL Football?nba mvp

Dime Back

The second extra, or sixth total, defensive back. Named because a dime has the same value as two nickels.

What does a Dime Back mean at NFL Football?nba trades ,nba teams

when there are 3 defensive back's on the field it is a formation commonly refered to as Nickel form (3 db's + 2 safeties). the dime back is the 4th db in any formation. the term dime comes from the fact that he is another db, so if the 3rd is the nickel, two nickels equal a dime.
it means ur playing the run

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