Thursday, December 3, 2009

Who is the biggest crybaby in NFL history?

Is it T.O., Randy Moss, Chad Johnson, Joey Porter, or someone not on my list.

I am talking about career wise, not the "rejuvanted" part of their career.

Who is the biggest crybaby in NFL history?nba standings

John Elway before he won his Super Bowls

Who is the biggest crybaby in NFL history?nba referee ,nba teams

Bill Poulian owner of the Colts

how many years did he cry to the league

about the Patriots and how hard the pats corners

were hitting their recievers off the line of scrimmage

how many rules have changed since then so Indy could win a super bowl ,.................FACT
T.O by far
Tom Brady has never cried about anything in his whole football career, which shows what an idiot the guy who can't find his shirt is. Randy Moss cried to get out of Oakland, and look at him now? Cry babies are people that blame others for their short comings, like fans of everyone the Pats beat. I think the coach of the NY Jets is a pretty big crybaby.
Peyton Manning, when they lose he always pawns it off on someone else. I also remember back in the 2003 playoff game with Pats after they lost he made some comments saying that the Pats defensive backs had played to rough. I see a lot of Tom Brady answers out there but I dont think ive ever seeon brady whine after a game.
I will go with Tom Brady as well
i havta say cowboy vic
Thats a really tough question! I remember in the late 80's early 90's the Colts had a quarterback named Jeff George. Even Colts fans where saying that he complained to much. But I dunno! I mean that award could be given to alot of people.
Leaf is legendary
Gawd I am so sick of Cowboy Vic today....

gonna go with Peyton "cant win a game all by myself" Manning
Donvan "I get criticized because I'm black" McNabb.
Last year's Arizona Cardinals coach. That blow up by him after the lost to Chicago definitely stands out in my mind. It's funny that the beer commercials play it now.

"We let 'em off the hook!"

I laugh whenever I see it.
Keyshawn Johnson or Tiki Barber
T.O is a big crybaby but he gets the job done.
I really can't decide - T.O. - or Keyshawn.

Both have done nothing but cause problems. Although T.O. has been pretty quiet since Dallas.

Although Mark Gastineau could be thrown in as a close third!
Ryan Leaf
Tom Brady thinks everything must go perfect and the slightest error sends him into cry baby/spaz mode.
dick vermeil cried the most, by far.
Cowboy Vic %26gt;:D
T.O by far!!
well in history we gotta say ryan leif, but of now its a toss up of to and moss, to will always say something but moss may have found his place to be but the season isnt over yet
any team that plays the Patriots and say that they run up the score because they cant stop them.
Tom Brady. He will fold like a lawn chair this week against the Colts.
im sure tom brady isnt the first one to get down on himself for making a mistake. he never whines and your fools to think that is considered whining.

As for the question. MOST DEFINATLY L.T
T. Owens is the biggest whiner in the leauge.

Hands down, no competition. He can be #1 for this since all he wants to be is #1 anyway.
Tom Brady? He never throws any of his teammates under the bus like Mr. Commercial boy Peyton Manning does! See people, you mouth off and throw comments out there that you have nothing to back it up with, because you are jealous of Tom Brady...but...

I research: Here is the proof suckers. Read it and weep.
bellichick. he pouts TONS
Ryan Leaf.

the others have nothing on his rants, locker room tantrums, fighting with reporters. etc..

Do some searches on him, you will be shocked.
first one that comes to mind is t.o.
Eric Mangini, ny jets coach.
Tom Brady. This is the easiest question I have answered today.

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