Thursday, December 3, 2009

Who is in favor of the NFL going to a 17 game schedule? If they do it shouldn't it be 18?

17 games mean some teams will have an extra home game and some teams would not. I guess they would alternate year to year. But why? Why not just do 18 games?

Who is in favor of the NFL going to a 17 game schedule? If they do it shouldn't it be 18?nba graphics

i am .get rid of 2 of the preseason games.they charge the same amount for tickets and we dont get to see the stars so im all for it.

Who is in favor of the NFL going to a 17 game schedule? If they do it shouldn't it be 18?nba live 2007 ,nba teams

why? is the system broke? if they did they can cut out some of those punk *** preseason games and do them during the training camps
I like 16. Thanks for asking!
if they do 17 it will be 18 weeks and if its 18 games it will be 19 weeks... they probably will more than likely do 18 so the games are evenly spread thru the year
I think they should have a 13 game schedule cause I like that number
What do you want? 17 or 18 games?
Their season is long enough - they're not going to play every team unless they make it waaaaay too long, so just stick with 16. Plus your poor, crappy, nowhere near the playoffs teams would just suffer longer.

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